Labour law defines illness the pathological condition that causes the inability to work, to the extent that it leads to the temporary suspension of an employment relationship.

During illness the employee is entitled to the company maintaining his/her job, paying for his/her social contributions and receiving a sickness benefit.

At the same time, the employee is obliged not to compromise in any manner his/her speedy recovery and he/she must be at home during the times that have been established in which there may be visits by the doctor who checks on employees on sick leave.

If the employer suspects that the employee is feigning illness, this may require a visit by a doctor belonging to the Territorial Health Protection Agency, who checks on employees who are on sick leave.

In many cases, our investigation agency has surprised employees, who are on sick leave, doing personal sport activities.

Using the services of a private investigator can help a company to ascertain beyond all doubt the employee’s possible misconduct.

In fact, the employee’s incorrect behaviour undermines the contractual obligations and the trust that exists between the employer and the employee.

If you suspect that an employee is taking advantage of his/her right to sick leave, do not hesitate to contact Telejnform.